Experiential Education
Through the V2V experiential learning opportunities, students, early-career researchers, and professionals from academia are able to come together to further the discussion around the vulnerabilities and viabilities of small-scale fishing communities.

Chilika Field School
The V2V Global Partnership organizes the Chilika-V2V Field School on Environmental Changes and Governance every year. This field school takes place in Satapada on Chilika Lagoon, Odisha, India.
Winter Field School
The winter field school brings together a selected group of graduate students, early-career researchers, and professionals from academia, government, NGO, and coastal communities.

UNDIP-UNIRAZAK Summer Course 2024

The summer course "Voices from Coastal Communities: Securing Small-Scale Fisheries " is the result of the close collaboration between the Universitas Diponegoro (UNDIP), Vulnerability to Viability (V2V) Global Partnership University of Waterloo, and Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK), along with the sponsorship of World Class University (WCU) Program UNDIP and V2V Global Partnership. The event was held in a hybrid format on October 3-7st.