Alida Bundy
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Alida Bundy is a research scientist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Canada. In support of the sustainable oceans, her research focuses on holistic ecosystem-based management, using interdisciplinary approaches such as empirical ecosystem indicators and ecosystem modelling to further our understanding of how marine ecosystems and human systems respond to change. She has led various projects on these themes within Fisheries and Oceans Canada and currently leads the Maritimes Region Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management WG. Internationally she is a collaborator on the V2V project and leads WG1 – I-ADApT Case Studies. She is a member of the Too Big To Ignore project (TBTI), co-chaired IndiSeas (Indicators for the Seas), is a member of the ICES Strategic Initiative on Human Dimensions (SHID) and ICES WGNARS. Alida was vice-chair of the Integrated Marine Biosphere Research project (IMBeR) and chair of the IMBeR Human Dimension WG where she co-developed I-ADApT.