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The Zotero Training workshop was an opportunity for members and students to learn about Zotero, a free and open-source reference management software. ZOTERO is the V2V platform for situational analysis and is part of the capacity-building approach to conduct it. The training focused on the basics of Zotero including how to create a database, how to label references and more! Participants were encouraged to use the software during the workshop which allowed for any issues or questions to be resolved right on the spot, and it also made it an interactive experience! This hands-on experience was extremely beneficial as many were new to the software. This event allowed for a safe space and introduction to an organization software which may now benefit many individuals and their research!


V2V partnered with student and research groups, SWIGS, and Environmental Change and Governance Group (ECGG) to offer an interactive webinar titled “An Introduction to Qualitative Methods''. This was a hands-on workshop, in which panelists from different backgrounds introduced the participants to a range of qualitative methods with application to research in different fields. Previous background in qualitative methods was not required to participate in this webinar and attendees from various fields were invited to participate. This workshop was a collaboration between V2V and student-led organizations.


In this V2V I-ADApT Working Group Meeting, the initial discussion on V2V Case study and I-ADApT was conducted. Country Teams were able to present their case studies. This allowed for each country to get started in investigating main issues impacting their geographic location, ecosystem type, and other dimensions of SSF. The I-ADApT template was also reviewed, with each country being able to outline main questions or concerns regarding the template or about using the template for describing their case study. This was extremely beneficial as this allowed for the I-ADApT working group to take into consideration the issues presented. Outcomes of this Working Group will help to improve the I-ADApT template, creating an avenue for adaptation to better capture the transition from V2V. This first meeting also allowed for further training sessions to be planned, and fostered open communication between all members. 

Click here to access the I-ADApT template.
I-ADApT Working Group Email address:


In this V2V I-ADApT Working Group Meeting, the training took place in which two working group members, Moenieba Isaacs (South Africa) and Yinji Li (Japan), shared insights and strategies for conducting I-ADApT case studies. In the training, it was emphasized that completing the I-ADApT template was not the goal of the literature review and fieldwork activities. The goal was first to gain a broad and deep understanding of the case study and, therefore, being able to successfully complete the template. Both presenters were members of the IMBeR (Integrated Marine Biosphere Research) Human Dimensions working group that developed the I-ADApT tool and could provide deeper insights into their process and methods. They presented their case studies, demonstrating how they incorporated the I-ADApT template into their work. Following the presentations, an open discussion took place on strategies for gaining appropriate knowledge on the case studies and being able to complete the template. This was especially useful for Country Teams to clarify certain concepts, as well as discuss challenges faced while collecting relevant information that will help to complete the template. This training raised relevant discussions on the diversity of methods that country teams can use to collect relevant information about their case study. It is welcoming to know that the V2V Global Partnership is made up of such diverse members who can help one another succeed. By learning from one another through such interactive training workshops, opportunities for conducting true transdisciplinary work emerge.

Click here to access the I-ADApT template.
I-ADApT Working Group Email address:

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