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Nabanita Samanta

Nabanita Samanta

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay


Nabanita Samanta (she/her) is a doctoral researcher in sociology/social anthropology at the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (Mumbai, India). With a distinctive leaning for transdisciplinary research, she locates her research-interests at the intra-section of ecology, society, and the self (broadly conceived). Her research engagements span across the transdisciplinary fields of political ecology and ecological anthropology, critical ocean studies and blue humanities, anthropology of infrastructure, STS, and resistance studies. Nabanita is the recipient of the British Council SGSAH EARTH Scholarship (2024) for which she was recently hosted at the University of Edinburgh as a visiting researcher for three months (April-July 2024). In 2022, Nabanita worked as a research intern under the supervision of Dr. Jenia Mukherjee (IIT Kharagpur), and as an intern she got to work for the V2V and CLOC K2A projects.

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