Sabrina Zaman
University of Waterloo
Sabrina Zaman is a Ph.D. candidate in Sustainability Management at the University of Waterloo, School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED), supervised by Professor Prateep Kumar Nayak. Her research investigates the impact of Blue Growth policies on small-scale fisheries (SSF), specifically examining socio-economic marginalization and community well-being. She analyzes how expanding marine development and policy interventions affect SSF communities and explores governance responses that promote equity, resilience, and sustainable fisheries management. Through experiential learning, fieldwork, and policy analysis, her work contributes to global discussions on Blue Justice.
Sabrina holds a master’s in environmental science and management and a Bachelor’s in Environmental Science from North South University, Bangladesh. During her master’s research, she conducted the first national plastic material flow analysis (MFA) of Bangladesh under the supervision of Professor Mohammad Sujauddin, providing valuable insights for developing a roadmap for a circular economy. Prior to commencing her Ph.D., she served as a Network Officer for Cap-Net Bangladesh Secretariat (International Network for Capacity Development in Sustainable Water Management) Global Water and Ocean Governance Support Programme (GWOGSP) at Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies.