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Ummay Marzan Jui

Ummay Marzan Jui

University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB)


Ummay Marzan Jui is a graduate student pursuing her Master of Arts degree in Literature and Cultural Studies at University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). She is working as a Staff Feature Writer at daily The Business Standard (TBS) and doing freelance feature writing for The Third Pole (TTP) and Earth Journalism and Network (EJN). During her undergraduate years, she also worked with the EMK Center as a Consultant. Ummay has won Unicef Meena Media Awards for her report on how climate change is undermining education in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. Ummay is interested in SDG-related issues, especially SD Goal 14. Currently, she is working for TTP on a report on how sawfish’s extinction is putting our biodiversity at stake and how fishers’ understanding of this issue can change the whole game. As part of her interest in SDG, some of her mentionable works include feature reports on climate change, environment, child education, and gender-based violence as well as translation and transcriptions of different project works.

The following links are featuring some of her write-ups:
How a housewife was rescued from the Daulatdia brothel:

Do you see that orange spot in the river? It was my first home:

Farmers feel the heat of erratic climate:

How climate change is undermining education in coastal areas of Bangladesh:

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