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COP28 Outcomes:

Financing to address ecological loss and damage

Global community established a dedicated fund for loss and damage at UNFCCC. However, one of the most challenging issues is to assess the ecological and biological loss and damage and to address those with required financial and technical assistance. But COP28 advanced the global policy regime in terms of accessing technical and financial resources to address loss and damage. Adv. Hafij Khan will talk about the scope and challenges of the global policies related to ecological loss and damage considering the national context of Bangladesh with particular focus on the coastal fisher communities. 

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Small scale fisheries of wetlands and river Ganga with special emphasis on climate change

Floodplain wetlands of India are a critical resource for fish production and other ecosystem services. Beel (inland lake) dependent communities, mostly traditional fishers, face numerous livelihood challenges from both natural and anthropogenic drivers. ICAR-CIFRI has taken up culture fisheries interventions with a holistic perspective of nutritional security, increased production and enhanced income for long term viability. This talk is an outcome of Ganga Basin research under National Mission of Ganga which outlines the social, economic and ecological stressors causing livelihoods vulnerability for the artisanal fishers and Hilsa fisheries and suggests novel ways in which they can be supported. 

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Challenges and Opportunities in the Sustainability of Inland Open Water Fisheries in India

Small-scale inland fisheries of India primarily take place in rivers, lakes, floodplain wetlands, reservoirs, and estuaries upon which 23.12 million fishers depend for their livelihoods and nutritional security. Inland fisheries operate within the scope of a number of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) including No Poverty (SDG 1), Zero Hunger (SDG 2), Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12), and Life Below Water (SDG 14). Multi-dimensional impacts from climate change, irrigation structures, encroachment for agriculture and urbanization, siltation, high fishing pressure, etc. are affecting the sustainability of inland fisheries.  A number of social, economic, technological and ecological interventions can help address some of these issues. This talk focuses on the initiatives of ICAR - Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute of India to address the multi-dimensional pressures on inland fisheries and ways in which sustainability can be achieved by responding to vulnerabilities and transitioning towards viability. 

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Connecting data to Fisheries Decision- Making and Policy: Observations from A Practitioner in the field

This talk traces the implications of fisheries policy-making and management decisions on research and monitoring practices with a view to offering insights on the potential strengths and limitations of the evidence base for fisheries management.   It then “turns the telescope around” so to speak and considers how data collected as part of fisheries monitoring programs typically contributes to decision-making in practice and the extent to which most fisheries management decisions are data-driven, evidence-based and transparent in nature.  The talk draws from the Canadian experience but seeks to offer perspectives on fisheries management structures and practices more generally.

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Reimagining Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries Through the Lens of Water Quality

Small-scale fisheries face multidimensional vulnerabilities from natural (e.g., disasters, ecosystem shifts) and human factors (e.g., policy, aquaculture). Despite extensive research on these, the connection between vulnerability and water quality remains unexplored. Fisher communities relate fish to aquatic health, highlighting water quality's importance. This webinar delves into how water quality impacts vulnerabilities in small-scale fisheries, bridging a critical knowledge gap. It explores how good water quality is vital for robust fishing communities and offers insights into enhancing adaptive capacity for their viability.


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The Role of Sustainable Fisheries in Supporting Vulnerability to Viability (V2V) Transition

The pursuit of creating sustainable fisheries worldwide is of utmost importance due to its numerous benefits. This presentation aims to enhance understanding of the vital role sustainable fisheries play in bolstering fish stocks and improving the socio-economic well-being of fishing communities. Additionally, it outlines practical management actions that can be implemented to achieve sustainability in fisheries. The webinar will also delve into the key factors that make these management actions effective in helping fishing communities transition from vulnerability to viability.


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Social-Ecological System Orientated Value Chain: A Pathway for Vulnerability to Viability (V2V) Transitions

The production and trade of dried fish are important sources of livelihood and employment for poor people engaged in the dried fish value chain. Despite its importance, work on the dried fish value chain continues to focus on financial value creation and linear interactions among market actors that impede the recognition of human rights, justice, food security, and power across the entire value chain. Poor fishers and dried fish processors are placed at the extractive end of the value chain and hold low power in the market and remain vulnerable to changing social-ecological system dynamics. The recent study on the dried fish value chain on the eastern Indian coast of the Bay of Bengal provides an empirical analysis of social-ecological system oriented dried fish value chain attributes.


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The Transition From Vulnerability to Viability Through Illuminating Hidden Harvests

Based on a recently concluded study Illuminating Hidden Harvests (IHH): the contributions of small-scale fisheries to sustainable development, this webinar uncovers the contributions and impacts of small-scale fisheries through a multidisciplinary approach to data collection and analysis. It aims to contribute to a more holistic understanding of what small-scale fisheries are, their importance, why they are essential for efforts to achieve the SDGs. By using this knowledge wisely within a human rights-based approach in line with the SSF Guidelines, and by empowering small-scale fishers and fishworkers, a more inclusive, equitable, sustainable and resilient small-scale scale fisheries subsector can be achieved, supporting the transition from vulnerability to viability. Click here to view an infographic on this context.

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Vulnerability to Viability: Mind Matters

The terms ‘vulnerability’ and ‘viability’ are usually studied in the context of socio-cultural and political-economic settings. In these cases, they would refer to vulnerability from and viability in challenging external circumstances, such as the consequences encountered by ecosystem-dependent communities in the Sundarbans. However, the speed and quality of transition are directly proportional to the psychological constitution, worldviews, and resilience of the individual and their sum total collective. This presentation will highlight how the mind matters in the larger discourse pertaining to vulnerability and viability.

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The Legal Instruments for the Development of Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries Governance in Nigeria

This talk provides an overview of the major challenges in the sustainability of small-scale fisheries governance in Nigeria. It addresses the gaps in the administration of the legal instruments in the sector and discusses any possible obstacles in the socio-economic development of small-scale fisheries within the legal structure of Nigeria, international laws/treaties that are yet to be domiciled and could facilitate the transition from vulnerability to viability, the functionality of domestic laws being implemented, any awareness deficit on the legal framework amongst operators and enforcers and ways to improve or actualize it.

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Tools for Gender Analysis: Understanding Vulnerability and Empowerment

This talk provides a high-level overview of the various tools and perspectives for undertaking gender-focused or feminist analysis in resource sectors such as small-scale fisheries. Drawing from gender studies, feminist political ecology, feminist political economy, and political science, this talk will dispel the idea that gender analysis means only focusing on women. It will show how understanding the many dimensions of gender roles and relations can improve the analysis of resource management and economic activity, expand our understanding of vulnerability and empowerment, and advance policy-relevant outcomes.

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Community resilience: A framework for non-traditional field research

This talk dwells upon different research paradigms such as Hypothesis-oriented, Assessment-oriented, Action-oriented, Systems-oriented, Social adaptive (similar to V2V) frameworks. The motivation behind this talk is to discuss research that goes beyond the conventionally defined domains of science; the relevance of non-expert based knowledge to offer   solutions to complex social and environmental problems, and the research that can bring significant impacts on people's behavior by small endeavors. The implications of the novel and non-traditional research framework for vulnerability to viability transitions will be discussed as a way forward for building resilient communities in a variety of resource contexts.

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